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Does eating at night make you overweight
  • Arati Shah

  • 31, May. 2024

Does eating at night make you overweight

Eating at night has been linked with weight gain for years. Whether we are talking about the best diet for diabetes or a plain weight loss program, late-night snacking is often seen as a barrier to achieving your goals. Let a weight loss nutritionist help youuncover the truth - whether late night eating has an impact on your weight or not.

Late Night Eating: Fact vs. Myth

It's widely understood that the time of day you eat doesn't significantly impact weight loss. The input and output of calories is what determines whether you put on weight, lose weight, or maintain weight. So, eating out at night should not be an issue with weight gain if the total calorie intake is within the required limit.

However, many times eating at night has little to do with hunger. It is often a way to relax, deal with boredom or just satisfy cravings. Portions of late-night foods are generally large and are eaten mindlessly with a distraction like a television or a computer. The foods are a mix of high calorie foods like chips, cookies, desserts, instant noodles, chocolates, ice creams, etc. The person is most times unaware of the amount eaten. These are the extra calories consumed that can lead to weight gain.

So, contrary to popular belief, eating late at night is not directly responsible for weight gain. It is often what and how much you eat during these hours that can tip the scales.

Strategies to Curb Late Night Eating

If you feel hungry late at night there are smart ways to handle it without derailing your weight loss efforts:

  • Frequent, Balanced Meals: Eat small, balanced meals throughout the day to keep your hunger in check and avoid intense late-night cravings.
  • Smart Snacking: Choose healthier options for late-night snacking, for example carrot and cucumber sticks with herbed yogurt or hummus, a handful of nuts, or homemade popcorn. These snacks are nutrient-dense and will not overload you with calories.
  • Portion Control: Keep your portions in check by not eating out of the snack bags or in larger bowls and plates. Take a small amount so you are aware of how much you are eating.
  • Build a Consistent Routine: Weight loss is more about sustainable habits than occasional indulgences. Establish a routine that includes regular meals and healthy snacks and stick to it.

So, remember that it is best to have a scheduled meal plan through the day. This not only helps in weight loss but will also help in keeping the hunger and cravings in check. Focus on consistency, make nutritious choices, and create a routine that supports your goals. Need help with your weight? Connect with Café Nutrition on 9820737677 / 9930074447 to know more about their weight management program and the best dietitian in Mumbai can help you achieve your goals.