Diet Plans for Different Therapies
  • Arati Shah

  • 15, Nov. 2022

Diet Plans for Different Therapies


Cafe’ Nutrition team as a part of their services for pharmaceutical companies helped a leading pharmaceutical company develop plans for diabetes and hypothyroidism. This was followed by recipes appropriate for the therapies. The diet plans and recipes were intended for patients suffering with either diabetes or thyroid as resources to help them manage the condition along with their medication. 



Café Nutrition team using accredited data from scientific journals and using their experience prepared suggested diet plans for two therapies - type 2 diabetes and hypothyroidism. The first criteria was gender, based on which the plans were made separately. Both vegetarian and non-vegetarian dietary patterns were taken into consideration along with regional specific food choices. Functional foods for each condition were a part of the diet plan. For hypothyroidism, plans with different clinical conditions like poly cystic ovarian syndrome, type 2 and gestational diabetes, hypertension, metabolic syndrome, etc were separately formulated.  


The intent was to have diet plans that were balanced, patient friendly and most importantly practical. Since the diet plans were generic, for better understanding and helping patients make the right food choices a list of guidelines was also a part of each plan.  




There is growing evidence that demonstrates the potential of pairing nutrition solutions that are tailor made for specific drug treatments for various medical conditions which could be a game changer in the management of these conditions. Malnutrition, unstable blood sugar levels, excess lipids, etc seen in chronic diseases can delay the management or reversal of the disease. Medical nutrition therapy when paired with the pill promotes the treatment of medical conditions.