Weight Loss with Dietary Fiber
  • Arati Shah

  • 01, May. 2024

Weight Loss with Dietary Fiber

Fiber, consumed through food refers to components of plant-based foods that remain undigested and unabsorbed by the body. Its benefits are multifaceted and include weight management, Weight loss programs or a weight management program often consists of a high fiber diet to create satiety and help in weight loss. In fact, a weight loss program for women with plenty of fiber can help not only in weight loss but may also reduce the risk of breast cancer.  

There are two types of fiber:

  • Soluble fiber dissolves in water and forms a gelatinous substance.  For example – sabza seeds which when dissolved in water expand and form a gelatinous substance. This fiber keeps you feeling full for long and decreases your hunger. Apple, guava, papaya, citrus fruits, oats, barley, beans, psyllium, etc. all contain soluble fiber.

  • Insoluble fiber on the other hand does not dissolve in water but, it adds bulk to the stool promoting softer and regular bowel movements. Sources include leafy greens, berries, almonds, seeds, quinoa, brown rice, whole wheat flour, nuts, etc.

There is no such thing as “which fiber is better” since our bodies need both the types of fiber.

Fiber in weight loss:

  • The process of digestion starts right from the moment we chew food till it reaches our intestines. Fiber slows down the speed of digestion which in turn makes one feel full and thus eat less. It creates a feeling of satiety.

  • Fiber, since it slows digestion also slows down how fast the body responds to the carbohydrates eaten. This helps in better management of insulin and blood sugar response to food. This means that the body is less likely to store fat.

  • The high fiber diet also prevents you from having unhealthy food cravings since the insulin spikes are prevented.

  • Soluble fiber also blocks fat digestion and absorption thus helping in weight loss.

Ways to incorporate fiber in the daily diet:

  • Choose whole grains such as brown rice, whole wheat bread, oats, barley, quinoa over white rice, white pasta, noodles, white bread etc.

  • Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables in the day. Try to keep their skin intact as much as possible. Avoid juicing, it is best to consume it in the whole form.

  • Incorporate legumes, lentils, nuts, and seeds such as chia seeds, flax seeds in your diet.

It is always best to obtain fiber from whole foods rather than over the counter fiber supplements. Focusing on a plant-based diet will ensure sufficient fiber intake. Also, remember to increase the fiber in the diet gradually and drink plenty of water to avoid digestive upset.

A weight loss nutritionist at Café Nutrition can help you in healthy weight loss by planning high fiber diets with real whole foods. A healthy weight loss program or a weight management program will always focus on a fiber rich diet. If you are someone who is confused about what works for you and what does not, our team of experts can be contacted on 9820737677 / 9930074447.